Monday, August 19, 2013

The Didache Series

Written in the first century, the Didache [DID-uh-kay] is the first known Christian catechesis and the earliest known Christian writing outside of Scripture. The name of the work, Didache, is appropriate for such a catechesis because it comes from the Greek word for "teaching" and indicates that this writing contains the teaching of the Apostles and, as such, it is the teaching of the Church.
Today, the most comprehensive catechesis is the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Didache Seriespresents the life and doctrine of the Catholic Church in the context of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the teachings of Vatican II as witnessed by the pontificates of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. The series also draws from Sacred Scripture, the lives of the Saints, and the Doctors and Fathers of the Church.
The Didache Series has been published since 2003 at the invitation of Francis Cardinal George of the Archdiocese of Chicago, who requested a series of "texts that would set out clearly and adequately the teaching of the Catholic Church." Each textbook of the Didache Series has been found to be in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church by the USCCB.

The Didache Series: Complete Course

The Didache Complete Course is comprised of four books, each designed to be covered in the course of one academic year.

Introduction to Catholicism: 2nd Edition

An introduction to the teachings of the Catholic Church and an in-depth explanation of what it means to be Catholic. The Universal Call to Holiness is the main theme throughout the book. Topics include the Blessed Trinity, the Church, the Creed, Sacred Scripture, the Seven Sacraments, the Ten Commandments, and the lives of the Saints.

The History of the Church

This book presents the story of God's intervention into human history from the Incarnation until the present day. It emphasizes God as the Lord of history and his actions that demonstrate his love for his People. An excellent resource for anyone seeking to know more about the history of the Catholic Church.

Our Moral Life in Christ

A detailed study of the moral life in Christ-based on his teachings in the Gospels, the Ten Commandments, and the Beatitudes-which enable Christians, with God's grace, to imitate the life of Christ in their lives, to make correct moral decisions, and to spread the Kingdom of God on earth in their journey toward eternal salvation. This book presents the life of Christ and his teachings as the basis of moral theology.

Didache Series: Parish Edition
Created in accordance with the USCCB Curriculum Framework for Parish and Youth Ministry Programs, Midwest Theological Forum has adapted its well-known Didache Semester Series textbooks for Catholic High Schools into an easy-to-use format for parishes and home study programs. Each of the Didache Semester titles has been divided into individual weekly lessons intended to be covered over the course of one semester. The full-color, illustrated text provides ample column material, which includes:
  • Vocabulary terms, Focus Questions,
  • Guided Exercises,
  • Discussion,
  • Questions,
  • and quotes from the YouCat.

Faith And Revelation: Parish Edition

This first book of the Didache Parish Series, authored by Dr. Scott Hahn, presents a basic understanding of Sacred Scripture as the inspired Word of God. It examines both the Old and New Testaments with particular attention focused on the Gospels as the message of Jesus Christ. This text also explains how to read and reference the Bible.

The Blessed Trinity: Parish Edition

This second book of the series examines the mystery of the Blessed Trinity - The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - as revealed in Sacred Scripture. Themes include discussion of the Blessed Trinity as one God in Three Divine Persons, Pentecost, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, the intercessor for mankind.

The Church: Parish Edition

This text, authored by Dr. Scott Hahn, presents how the Church, established by Jesus Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit, continues the salvific ministry of Christ in the world today. Themes include the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, the Universal Call to Holiness, the Marks of the Church, and the teaching authority of the Church.

The Sacraments: Parish Edition

Jesus Christ, through his great love for us, instituted the Sacraments and entrusted them to the Church. This book examines each Sacrament as a primary source of grace and an intimate encounter with Jesus Christ. Each of the Seven Sacraments is presented in its own chapter.

More titles coming soon!

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